
Lindfield Parish Council has adopted and implemented the following policies and procedures

Freedom of Information - Publication Scheme
Standing Orders last amended 21.03.24
Financial Regulations amended 21.03.24
Temporary Scheme of Delegation (Covid-19) approved 06.05.21
Scheme of Delegation approved 19.05.15
Press and Media Policy approved 19.05.15
Grants and Donations Policy amended 29.09.21
Health and Safety Policy
Complaints Policy revision approved 15.05.14
Winter Management Plan revised November 2019
Code of Conduct adopted 03.03.22
Equality Policy adopted 12.03.15
Dignity at Work Policy adopted 12.03.15
Reporting on Meetings Policy adopted 25.09.14
Document Retention Policy adopted 09.11.17
Sickness & Absence Policy adopted 25.01.18
Lone Working Policy adopted 17.11.18
Climate Change Policy adopted 14.11.19
Tree Policy adopted 13.08.20
Investment Policy adopted 11.11.21
Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Data Protection Policy
Privacy Notice
Subject Access Request