Plan 2022-27

Lindfield Parish Council (LPC) has produced a draft plan for 2022-27. The document sets outs LPC’s vision, aims and objectives. It details what LPC does now, and aims to achieve in the future, either directly or by increasing its influence on the relevant delivery body.


An agreed plan will enable LPC to operate in a more forward-looking, consistent, and coordinated way. The plan will be updated regularly and reported against enabling LPC to track and monitor its progress against key priorities and develop new objectives as circumstances change. Budgets and the level of cooperation will impact delivery timescales. We intend that each year at the Parish Meeting the Chair will set out our current progress. Reviews of the plan will take place each year at a Full Council meeting.


Some projects can be delivered by us, while others will require collaboration with outside agencies for example MSDC, WSCC etc. Some projects will be achieved in a short period, others may take longer depending on funding availability and external cooperation.

Our vision statement is to: Support the community and ensure Lindfield continues to develop as an attractive place to live, work, visit, recognising its rich heritage and looking forward to embracing the benefits offered by environmental and technological advances.

To achieve this, we have set out six aims that cover the following categories:


  • Village environment,
  • Community engagement,
  • Effective engagement with local authorities,
  • Environment, health and wellbeing, 
  • Governance.

The document can be downloaded here


We would like your feedback on the plan. Comments can be submitted using the following link:


In addition, hard copies of the plan are available to view at our office during public opening times (Tuesday 1-4 pm, Thursday & Friday 10am – 1pm)